Monday, June 29, 2009

10 Years!!!!

June 28th, 1999 was my first day as owner of The Plant Shoppe. It has been 10 fun, long, aggravating, exciting and wonderful years. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me in the venture, especially my family, friends & customers. I have had many adventures over the years and I look forward to many more.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Brittany & Ross

Brittany & Ross were wed a few weeks ago. Pink & Ivory were the colors of the day. I decided to do a picture collage, with a little help from Sarah. I love the cakes that Ms. Debbie created, and they smelled SOOOO good. I guess we are lucky that Abbey wasn't there to take a bite. I received this nice note from Brittany's Mom the day after the wedding.....
Betsy ----- The flowers for Brittany's wedding were incredible!!! The church was lovely, the girls' bouquets were exquisite and there aren't enough adjectives to describe the reception flowers!! Thank you for making Brittany's wedding flowers the picture of perfection!! ---Cindy

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We are "OPEN"

So, after being in our location for over a year now, I finally purchased and put up an "OPEN" sign. Aren't you proud of me??? I know I am. Now we just have to remember to change it to closed, when we are gone.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dash for the Dress

Brittany a Bridal Consultant at Solutions Bridal wanted me to let you know about a really exciting event they are having June 27th, 2009 from 8am-Noon. It is the 1st Annual Dash for the Dress. It is a huge Charity Bridal Sample Sale they are having at Solutions. Designer dresses will be anywhere from $99-$699 (valued up to $5000)! They will also have some bridesmaids and mother of the bride dresses on sale as well. It will be cash only and they are encouraging brides to get there early because dressing rooms will be limited. And that is not the only exciting part...A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Abbey's First Recital

Abbey participated in her first dance Recital last weekend. She did ballet as well as a cheer leading routine. Here she is in her fancy costumes:

How about that high jump.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Happy Blogiversary to me. I have made it a whole year and only had a few gaps in the blog. I am very excited that I was able to share so much with my viewers. Thank you for checking us out.

I just got done delivering the personal flowers to my bride today, and I have to share what happened. I was a little starstruck in the elevator at the hotel. I shared my elevator ride with Joakim Noah. Wow is he tall. We chatted a little about flowers and wished my bride good luck. For those of you who are not FLORIDA GATOR BASKETBALL fans, he was on the National Championship teams, and currently plays for the CHICAGO BULLS. Too bad, I didn't have a marker, I could have had an autographed bouquet to present to the bride.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Last weekend we went drove out to Earlton to pick blueberries, with some friends of ours. 14lbs and a million mosquito bites later we went home. Here is Abbey & Alison.
Rachel worked on the middle sections of the bushes.
PS. Happy 39th Anniversary to my parents Bill & Becky.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Just wanted to wish my hubby a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Landscaping

By popular demand....Here is the finished landscaping for Emily & Paul. A big shout out goes to the landscaping crew for all their help. What a difference a few plants make. Just goes to show you curb appeal really works. Let's just hope they keep it watered.
Along with this area we also planted in a few other areas. Here is the crew:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Photocards

If you click the image you will see a larger version.
Check them out

Friday, June 5, 2009

Abbey as Flower Girl

Here she is, when we first got her dressed. Doesn't she know she looks cute.
Here she is, going down the aisle. Notice the kissing ball and halo, both requested by the flower girl.As part of the Dynamic Duo, here is Abbey and Emma singing to the guests with their version of Twinkle, Twinkle little star, and All The Single Ladies, by Beyonce. Where is the video camera when you need it?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Em & Paul: Part 2

Here are a few of the detail from their wedding. Instead of traditional favors, a candy bar was set up as the centerpiece in the main room. We provided a stunning floral piece to sit on the mantel as the backdrop for the candy. All the kids (especially the big ones) loved the candy. I know Abbey filled up three bags. Em & Paul used one of their engagement pictures as a sticker to put on the outside of the bag.
The cake was made by Aunt Laura, out of a family recipe. Chocolate cake, with a chocolate coffee icing. A small one was made for the "cutting" additional ones were cut in the kitchen and served to the guests.

Here is our Arbor, with flower pockets dangling with flowing ribbon.
Here is a close up of the pockets. Smaller pockets were put on Sheppard's hooks and used to line the aisle.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Em & Paul's Day

First I thought I would share a shot of Em helping me make some of her flowers. She along with Teri, Mike, Sarah, my mom & my dad put together all of her flowers.

Here she is with her Uncle Matt on rehearsal day. (Don't you love the practice bouquet I put together for her.)
Here they are walking down the steps toward Paul.

Here is everyone standing under the arbor during the ceremony. Can you tell that Abbey has heard enough? Last time she was a flower girl she sat down during the ceremony, before joining me in a pew. This time she stayed up there, but she played with everything.....Em's dress, her kissing ball, and the flowers on the arbor. At one time she flung the kissing ball over she shoulder. I guess we were lucky it stayed together so nicely.
Not a cloud in the sky. What a perfect day for a perfect couple.
Paul sported a bout of stephanotis. Emily carried a bouquet of stephanotis, roses, spray roses, antique green hydrangea, hypericum berries with a few salal leaves. The stems were wrapped in antique white ribbon, and pinned with an antique brooch we picked up one weekend.

Ceremony & Reception: Phillippi Estate Park
Photographer: Dawn McKinstry
Florist: Us
Caterer: Michael's on East
Cake: Aunt Laura, with a favorite family recipe

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Abbey's Graduation!!

No she isn't old enough to be graduating from High School, she only acts like it. In the middle of our weekend away in Sarasota, Terry and Abbey drove back up, so Abbey could participate in her graduation from VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten.) Don't worry they made it back in time for her to walk down the aisle as flower girl.