Reception: Sweetwater Branch Inn
Photographer: Jimmy Ho
Florist: Us
Caterer: Sweetwater Branch Inn
When they deliver the flowers, they attach a paper to explain why the reason they are giving out the flowers. Here is part of what it says....."Friendly flowers was started in memory of Mrs. Laura Carmichael. She devoted her life to performing random acts of kindness throughout Gainesville. She was known as the "clipping lady", always cutting out good news from the paper and mailing the clippings to the families of those mentioned. She brought smiles to everyone she encountered and lived her life fully with kindness, never expecting anything in return."
After their hard work I treated the ladies to a little "Rose Rain". It is something that Terry & Abbey does, with the old roses.
I myself had been touched by Ms. Laura. I received a clipping from her, when I was in college, I still have it. Whenever we received an order to deliver flowers to Ms. Laura, we would haggle over who would get to deliver it, since we knew there would always be a bag of home made peanut brittle waiting to bring back.