Saturday, April 25, 2009

Long time, few posts...

I have been slacking on the Blog. Go ahead and slap my wrists, but I have good reasons. The biggest of those, is that my camera broke, and I had to send it off to get fixed. Right now I am down at my parents house in Homestead. My sister, her husband & their 7 month old twins are visiting from Okinawa. Dave is in the Air Force and stationed there, until this fall, when the will move to California. So Terry, Abbey & took a long weekend to visit with everyone. Today we took part in my Dad's annual LSU Crawfish boil. Yes, we were in enemy territory, but we survived. Tomorrow we are having an Open House, for everyone to meet the twins, and see how big Abbey has gotten. One bonus about being here, is that there is this place called Knaus Berry Farm. They are open from mid-November, until the last weekend in April. So we have been snacking on Cinnamon Rolls and Milkshakes.

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