Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh Baby.... Our Blog/Facebook Contest

Did you know that The Plant Shoppe's family is about to get a little bit bigger? To celebrate Betsy and Terry's newest addition that is due this week, we are having a Blog/Facebook contest.

Can you guess Baby Andrew's actual birthday, actual weight, or actual time of birth?
All week long, you can either comment on this blog post or our Facebook page for a chance to win. The closest person to guess each category will win a $20 gift certificate to The Plant Shoppe.

Here's our contest rules:
1. One entry per person per category
2. A date, weight, or time can only be guessed once. Ex: If someone guesses he will arrive Friday, May 13, that day is no longer available for an entry. If a date/weight/time is entered twice, the entry will go to the person who submitted first.
3. Each person can win one category. If you guess all three correctly, you will win one gift certificate, the other two will go to the next closest guess.
4. Have fun and be creative!

Here's our only hint.... Betsy's actual due date is May 14.

We look forward to seeing your entries and hope you are as excited about this week as we are. Once Baby Andrew is here, we'll announce our winners (probably a day or two after).


Shower Cake: Ms. Debbie
Photo by Yume Photography

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